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Get to know our incredible pastors

Seth Wigington
Lead Pastor

Zac Jones
Executive Pastor

Our pastors want to walk you personally through our Growth Track. These have been especially created with you in mind. Jesus is the center of everything we do! Let’s learn about Him more in Growth Track.


Baptism is the very first step a new believer takes when following Jesus.

Baptism is the outward expression of an inward decision to put your faith in Jesus. If you are at a place where you would like to be baptized and share with others the exciting things that God is doing in your life, sign up today!

  • Baptism is Biblical. Throughout the New Testament you find this powerful symbol practiced by those who began the journey of following Christ. It is a sign of your relationship with Christ and a symbol of the power found through Jesus’ death and resurrection.

  • At Restore Church, we baptize by immersion because it is the clear method used in the Bible.

  • We have many members who have been baptized as an infant. We celebrate their parent’s desire to place them in the path toward a relationship with God. Water baptism must be a personal decision that declares faith in Jesus.

  • The best opportunity for you to be baptized is at our next Baptism Sunday. See our Events page for dates and details!

  • We would love to talk to you and answer any questions that you have.

    Email with any questions or call the church office at (817) 249-3010.

At Restore Church, we honor God with our first and our best. God honors our generosity and stewardship for His Kingdom purposes.

Community is essential to your walk with Christ. Learn about our groups here at Restore.

Serving is not only good for others, but highlights you as a disciple of Jesus. Find your place.